Just so you all know - I'm not dead. I have just been busy looking after kids, studying, and trying to balance being creative with the much hated housework.
Today I thought I would share with you a quick poem I have had swirling in my head (it has not been written on paper at all which in the end may be a mistake). It's not perfect, but I am sure someone can relate, especially if they have worked on a realllly long knitting project - something I am doing, and not sure whether I will ever again (I would need to be bribed with an awful amount of stuff if I am).
So without anymore waffling, here it is.
Knitting: baby gift.
Can't wait
to see the faces at the end.
Cant wait
For relief...
Sore fingers and thumb.
As I said above, it's not my best work. But still it's relatable to some people (0people who knit and crochet). This fact does give it some merit, no matter how small. That's why I decided to post. For those who read it - Hope you liked it.
Till we meet again, have a good one.