Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Making it as a poet

He Everyone,

How is everyone going?  I hope you are going well and managing to fit in some time to write some poetry, or at least read some.

I came across this wonderful video while surfing YouTube, and thought I would share it will you all.  As it is encouraging, and has some good tips for poets who want to make something of themselves.

Its called: Poetry--Can You Possible Make Money As A Poet.

I hope you enjoy it, and get some benefit from it.  I know I have.

If you would like, in the comments share what you got out of the video. Its great to hear how people have reacted to these types of videos.

Till we meet again, have a good time, stay safe, and savour the poetry that you surround yourself with.

JR :)

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Why We All Need Poetry

Hi All,

I hope you are all well, and if you are in in Australia you are enjoying your long weekend due to the Queen's birthday. I know I am.

While on YouTube (Yes, I love looking at all the videos, in particular TED talks--I am sort of addicted to them), I came across this wonderful talk by Stephen Burt, who talks about why we need poetry in our lives.  In part because it helps us to understand the world around us, as well as life after death.

Have a look below, its worth the watch if you are into poetry.

Tell us what you thought in the comments below.

Till then, have a great day.


Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Reaper (of wool)

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all going well, and are not sick like our household at the moment.

The other day I was reading a book about knitting, with a reference to a reaper of wool.  So I had a light bulb moment and wrote the following poem as a result.  Hoe you like it.

The Reaper (of wool)

The head is bowed,
staring at an oiled spot,
upon the slatted floor.

The head is bowed,
praying for relief,
from the metal teeth,
placed upon the slatted floor.

The head is bowed,
silence as its saving grace,
lies lifeless, frizzled, and bloodied,
upon the slatted floor.

So dear reader, do you have any favourite poems about farming life?  If so feel free to share in the comment.

Till we meet again, stay safe, and keep writing.