Friday, June 10, 2016

I've discovered a new fear.

Hi everyone, 

I hope you are all well.

Just a quick note - I've discovered a new fear - sploges, from ink that is.  

But I will not let it deter me, even though it is annoying.  Such is the way when you are trying something new.  All I can do is accept that they will occur and move on.

For the record - the sploges don't make me want to stop using nibb pens to write my poetry.  I still love to use them. Overall it makes me think of being a writer in the days of old - a slower pace of life.  A chance to write in the quietness of the night; that is with no computer humming in my ears.  Thoughts I cherish.

So do you get the warm fuzziness that comes with writing? If you do, I (and other) would be sure to hear your experience in the comments below.

Till we meet again, have a good day.


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Trying a different way to write - loving it

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone is going well, and is safe.

Today I thought I would do something different, so as a result I pulled out the nibb pen I was given by my mum a while ago.

After a bit of figuring out (including reading the instructions) I was on my way. 

Here are some of my results below.

I really enjoyed the process.  The end result is I LOVE IT.  I am going to use it again and again.  One day I might even splurge on a really nice one - there are definitely a lot to salivate over when I do a search on nibb pens. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this post.  I know I enjoyed writing it.

If you have ever written with a nibb pen feel free to share your experience in the comments below.

Till we meet again, have a great one.


Thursday, June 2, 2016

Rhyme and the pleasure of it

Hi Everyone,

I hope this finds you well, and that you have been having a wonderful time as the seasons change.

Today I thought I would share a video from Youtube about rhyme and rhythm in poetry and why its so enjoyable.  Its also a useful video, as it gives some terminology of poetry - a useful thing if you are a student.  Even if you are not a student, I hope you enjoy it and get something out of it.

Till we meet again, have a great weekend.