Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Hi Everyone,

I hope that this finds you well.

Here is my poem for the day:


Red flesh: bright and juicy,
clothed in lemon, mint,
and sacred thyme.
Combine in passion.
A saucy embrace.
A sweat inducing dance exists,
until a nirvana of delight is reached.


So there it is.  I hope you enjoyed it.

Till we meet again, I hope you all have a great day.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Birds On a Mission

Hi All,

Here is another poem that I found.  I hope you like it.

Birds On a Mission

Birds arc skyward.
True precision; with goal.
The Target:   Chips.
Crispy. Crunchy. Vinegary.
Consumed beak-ward mid-air.

Till we meet again - Live life to the full.  You only get one shot.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Summer # 2

Hi All,

I hope everyone is well out in cyber-land.  I know I am.  The weather is great and I am getting a bit done.  So I cannot complain.

So while doing a bit of a clean out I came across this poem, that I have decided to share with you.  I hope you like it.

Crimson, vermillion, indigo sky,
lays waste atop the granite mounds.
Sand and sky becomes one,
beneath the Summer canopy.

Till we meet again, have a great one.