Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year

Hi everyone. 

As the year comes to a close, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year.  Please remember to keep safe in this hectic time. 

In reflection remember the good times of the last year and look forward to the ones in the year ahead. 

Till we meet again, have a fun and enjoyable new year. 

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Hi All

I hope everyone is going well and is keeping safe in this silly season.

Here is a poem that is short, but can make a person think--Enjoy.

Freedom sought,
                But at a cost.
Freedom gained,
                But at a cost.
Freedom reigning,
                But at a cost.
A cost God made,
                Because we are priceless.

Friday, December 26, 2014


Hi All,

I hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas Day, I know I did.  That is except the large amount of clean up that I had to do--But such is life.

Here is a poem about hope.  I hope you like it.

Tears may fall,
and hearts may break their bonds.
But hope endures,
which is pure, just and whole.

Hope that is everlasting,
never will it fall,
as long as God is with us,
which we know is for sure.

Nature's Cycle

Hi Everyone,

Here is a poem to celebrate the season of Spring--Enjoy.

Tall stalked mushrooms,
stand erect,
amongst the wildflowers,
of the meadows.

The moon rises,
and the sun sets,
all the while,
nature takes it's course.

But in time,
tears fall,
as mushrooms and flowers,
die at seasons end.

If--by Rudyard Kipling

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, and are continuing to keep safe. 

As the new year is almost upon us, I want to share a poem by Rudyard Kipling that has been an encouragement and inspirational to me over the years.  If you have never heard of Rudyard Kipling, you can acquaint yourself by reading his much loved Jungle book stories, and of course his poetry.

The poem is called 'It,' and its a delight to read.  Enjoy it and think on what it says, it's worth it in the end.


If you can keep your head when all about you   
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,   
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;   
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;   
    If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;   
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same;   
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,   
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
    Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,   
    Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,   
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,   
    And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
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Source: A Choice of Kipling's Verse (1943)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Hi All,

At Christmas time a great amount of food is eaten, and one thing most looked forward to is Christmas day dessert. This poem is written in response to this favoured food course.

Christmas dessert bowled,
fruit 'pud' and custard galore.
Burnt mouth; silver coin; good luck.

A KIng Is Born

Hi All,

Another poem for the season--enjoy.

Bells ring,
crippling the silence,
of once quiet pastures.

Harps sound,
wrapped snuggly amongst the feathers,
of hallowed heavenly beings.

Tunics gathered,
amongst the woollen beings,
staffs grasped as first steps are made,
on a new holy pilgrimage.

Christmas Haiku

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying the festive season.  Here is a poem to hopefully add some joy to your day.

Tinsel and baubles,
lay waste on the lounge room floor.
Not children--Kittens.

Till we meet again, have a good one.


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Merry Christmas

Hi Everyone

While I still have the chance, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

May it be a time of much laughter, overall great fun, and a time full of blessings.

May God bless you all at this time.

Hidden Treasure

Hi Everyone,

Here is a poem entitled Hidden Treasures.  I hope you like it.

Hidden treasures,
big and little,
surrounds each soul.
that walks within this world.

Hidden treasures,
captivate the mind,
of all who seek,
who walk within this world.

Hidden treasures,
discovered by those,
diligent in their quest,
who walk upon the Earth.

Hidden treasures,
found in all,
who pulse with life,
and walk upon the Earth.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Hi Everyone,

I hope that this finds you well.

Here is my poem for the day:


Red flesh: bright and juicy,
clothed in lemon, mint,
and sacred thyme.
Combine in passion.
A saucy embrace.
A sweat inducing dance exists,
until a nirvana of delight is reached.


So there it is.  I hope you enjoyed it.

Till we meet again, I hope you all have a great day.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Birds On a Mission

Hi All,

Here is another poem that I found.  I hope you like it.

Birds On a Mission

Birds arc skyward.
True precision; with goal.
The Target:   Chips.
Crispy. Crunchy. Vinegary.
Consumed beak-ward mid-air.

Till we meet again - Live life to the full.  You only get one shot.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Summer # 2

Hi All,

I hope everyone is well out in cyber-land.  I know I am.  The weather is great and I am getting a bit done.  So I cannot complain.

So while doing a bit of a clean out I came across this poem, that I have decided to share with you.  I hope you like it.

Crimson, vermillion, indigo sky,
lays waste atop the granite mounds.
Sand and sky becomes one,
beneath the Summer canopy.

Till we meet again, have a great one.

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Sea - Final version

Hi All,

I hope everyone is going well.

Here is my final sea poem.  I hope you like it.

Cool mist arises atop the crystal waves,
kissing my parched, bloodied lips to relief.
A graceful touch touches my peeling crimson skin;
my badge of honour for a days delight.

Seafood Laksa

The bowl is huge,

the colour inside: tempting.

Bits of seafood bob within the liquid,

Squid, prawns and mussels,

all laid in the bowl.


Many colours emerge:

orange, pink and green;

a delight for the pupils,

all except the stream that fogs up vision.

A Thursday Breakfast


the taste is heavenly,


so sweet.

But hard to define.

All I can say is: they are sweet,

I cannot tell you what they really taste like.

Because the taste of mangoes is incomparable,

possessing their own unique flavour. 

Something divine, pure, all in one bite. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

The Sea

Hi All,

Here is a poem that I am working on in relation to my time at the sea side.  I hope you enjoy what I have written so far and please come back later to see the end result.

So without anymore stalling here it is:

Cool mist arises,
atop the crystal waves,
kissing my parched lips,
in a most graceful way. 

Till I speak to you later, have a good day.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Concluding Thoughts on Using Online Poetry Generators

Hi everyone.

I hope this finds people well.

First up,  I am going to share with you a beautiful sight I experienced on the way to visit family interstate.  I must say I found it great to write to.  Very inspiring. 

Now onto the important things. 

So, I have spent some time on an online poetry generator, and I found that the only real benefit (for me at least) is in the creation of ideas.  Regarding the actual writing, I did not find it very beneficial.  Which means in the future I will be using it for ideas, but nothing else.  

Does anyone else have experience with using an online poetry generator?  What were your thoughts?  I would love to hear.

Till we speak again, have a good day. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Work (How it really is) - an experiment with an online poetry generator

Work (How it really is)

Waitresses work.
Chefs talk.
Why does the waitress stop?

A new full table?
Lord help me    - exhaustion!

Friday, September 19, 2014

A Shame - an online poetry experiment

A shame

All chefs love hot, small tables.
Quick action and  results.
Knives fly over the ‘mise en place.’

Oh darn!
Why does the table leave?

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Friday nights

Hi All,

Ahhh, Friday nights for waitresses in a busy restaurant.  Often a love/hate relationship. 

Can anyone relate?
Friday nights

Anger is a small table
with a tiny tip.

Walk calmly is the advice.
Hold thy tongue.

Waitresses work like dry ovens.
Hot and dangerous to the touch.

Exhaustion is a dead plate
on a Friday night.

Never a  free table.
Or a full smoko break.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Egocentric Chef

Hi All,

I am quite pleased with my following poem, so I thought I would share.

If you work in the industry you may know someone like this.  But I hope not.

I hope you like it.

Egocentric Chef

Chef talk!
Is like a rotting flesh.
A slow decay.
A thinning of bones.

Where appearances are deceptive
and consumption leads to death.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Hi All,

While this poem is not 100% I am not planning on working on it anymore. But I thought I would still post it, as someone may enjoy reading it.


Patrons consume
like ravished wolves
gorging themselves
upon a sunlit ledge.

 Waitresses run.
Patrons care not,
despite the frazzled daze received.

Plates - an experiment using an online poetry generator


Why does the portion shrink?
Then grow?
Then shrink once more?

Mouths satisfied, then not.
For desolation is an empty plate.

Where an empty plate
leads to lust
When the patron has a possessed,
Ravished look.

Waitresses - an experiment with an online poetry generator


 Bloody, chefs!
My top is ruined.
It’s stained and burnt.

The small plate swiftly hits the chef.
Skull cap in the soup.

Never fight a waitress.

Restaurant poem

Hi All,

I hope you are enjoying the weather, I know I am in sunny Victoria.

Today I thought I would try something different by using an online poem generator.

I must say in the end I had a lot of fun.

Yes, a lot of rubbish was created, but within the random ramblings some gems were found, and modified to become something quite workable.  The results are to follow.



Passion, anger, and stress.
Why does the restaurant work?
Noise, love, and action.
Why does the restaurant work?

Simply - The food.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Tea - a tribute

This is a poem dedicated  to a beautiful lady, who was my mother in law.  She made my life so much richer and is sadly no longer with us.
I wrote this to remind me of the many cups of tea and talks we had.  But  even though I miss her deeply, I know that one day it will be possible to have tea and talks again when we meet one day in heaven.  Thank be to God for the gift of God loving mother in laws.
A lonely cup,
sits hot...warm...cold.
The tea was mode, sipped and left.
But never a drop is wasted.
For that lonely cup,
its content is cherished,
Either hot, warm or cold.


Wafts of salty,
crunch bliss,
touch and caress the sensors,
of my fat crazed mind.

The sucklings skin...sucked,
leaving natural,
urges to subside.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Carpe Diem

Time, always here, never gone.                                                

Tick tock sounding through each day,                                       

sending rivets of raw change.                                                                

Here to stay and evermore.                                                                  

No way to stop it or push aside.                                                           


As a man is, he will be,                                                

old, and young, and fat and slim.                                              

Some things change and others not.                                                      

No matter what, always seek,                                                              
the truth, the hope; and seize the day.

No Title

The air is thick of sweet and soothing rain

The God touched rain wets old and cracking dirt 

The ground now soothed is full of great new life

Old worms and ants are full of new substance


The sun shines bright each day of my land’s year

The leaves of trees are yellow and lovely

The rivers clear and crystal bright each night

Hill flowers bloom and shine like bold lions

Dream Journey

I walk,
and run,
and skip.
All the way there.

To that place,
a special place.
A place of wonder and delight.

Of biscuits, scones
and in between.
Of toffee and cream cakes.

A place of action
and shear fun.

Of skipping, dancing
and in between.
Of talk filled walks,
with dog in tow.

What task to get there though.
a walk - a long walk.
Or a swift car ride
All the way to grandma’s house.

Weather - A Shakespeare inspired poem

The air was hot and harsh at day,
at night. the spirals sat upon the faces,
old the spirals made of air and ash and light,
from fires made of human lust and scold.

The sun is hot; always that time of year,
in land that holds both black and white, new times.
A golden time, of wealth, of ships that steered
by stars, by wind, a clock that spins and winds.

The heat and drizzle present here,
is good for crops, of beans, of corn and humble spuds.
The food to keep the settlers well, as should.
The rain that fell would mix the different muds.

The weather sent by gracious gods
to land to help this land and help the people stand.

The aim

The aim of this blog is to show some of my peppery poetry - peppery because its full of heat and impact, just like when you bite on a pepper corn. Its aim is to give you a bit of a kick when you read one or all of the poems. With the poem's effect lingering in your brain just like the intense flavour of pepper. Most of my poetry will be food related, but not always. So even if you don't like food poetry come and still have a look as you are sure to find something that takes your fancy. Till next time.